Synch is adding a new product to its digital offering

Synch is delighted to offer WeSynch Whistle, a legal service to ensure whistleblower protection under the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union Law (the “Whistleblowing Directive”) and the future Swedish law on protection of whistleblowers (Sw: ersättning av lagen (2016:749) om särskilt skydd mot repressalier för arbetstagare som slår larm om allvarliga missförhållanden),(the “Swedish act on Whistleblower Protection”).

To fulfill the requirement of establishing an internal whistleblowing reporting system, Synch has entered into a collaboration with WhistleB.WhistleB is a global whistleblowing service provider and business ethics and compliance expert.

WhistleB’s service is currently used in more than 150 countries and by companies across all industries. Organizations of all sizes, national banks, and multinational companies alike trust the tool to help them to decrease and discover misconducts, to act quickly to stop misconducts, and to protect their code-of-conduct.

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