Synch has assisted the sellers in Eniro AB

Synch has assisted the sellers of a total of 170 million Series A preference shares in Eniro AB (publ) Eniro AB (publ) to SpectrumOne AB (publ).

Synch has assisted the sellers Tedde Jeansson, MGA Placeringer AB, Hajskäret Invest AB, and Martin Bjäringer in their sale of a total of approximately 170 million preference shares of series A in Eniro AB (publ), corresponding to 25% of Eniro's shares to SpectrumOneAB (publ), a technology company listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Eniro offers services in digital marketing and search services in the Nordic region. Of the purchase price, which corresponds to approximately SEK 152 million, approximately SEK 61 million is paid in cash, and the remaining SEK 91 million in reverse.

Synch is an International law firm, focusing on digital business and technology. Synch is offering a flexible delivery model where Digital services complement the firm’s Advisory services, Projects & Transaction services as well as its Managed services. Synchs Projects & Transactions group are specialized in private and public M&A, venture capital investments and financing, especially in relation to technology.Synch’s team consisted of Johan Tydén, and Hanna Sillén.

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