Synch has assisted Hygglo AB

Synch has assisted Hygglo AB in a merger with the UK company Fat Llama Ltd by setting up and merging an American holding company of Hygglo AB with the American holding company of Fat Llama Ltd.

Hygglo is a peer-2-peer rental platform providing rental services in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. Fat Llama is providing similar services in the UK. By the merger, Hygglo and Fat Llama strive at combining their rental platforms to expand their market.

“Synch has provided us with great expertise in structuring an international transaction including several jurisdictions. We highly appreciated their project management in a complex multi-national transaction as well as their ability to focus on what is important to move a deal forward”, Ola Degerfors, CEO and co-founder of Hygglo AB.

Synch’s team consisted of Carl-Adam Drakenberg, Amanda Espinasse, Oscar Widén Einarsson, Cecilia Thuresson, and Amanda Luthman.

Synch is law firm focusing on digital business and technology. Synch is offering a flexible delivery model where Digital services complement the firm’s Advisory Services, Projects & Transaction Services as well as its Managed Services. Synchs Projects & Transactions group are specialized in private and public M&A, venture capital investments, and financing, especially in relation to technology.

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