Synch has assisted Adepteo AB

Synch has assisted Adepteo AB in a property sale in Eslöv to the company’s former tenants. Adepteo is a leading flexible real estate company that offers adaptable buildings that can be built up, scaled up, scaled down and reused within a few weeks, always with the user perspective and sustainability in focus. Together with the customer, they develop an optimized solution adapted to the building needs.

Camila Hensäter, CEO Adepteo Sweden “I want to thank Synch Advokat AB for a good collaboration and a smooth sale of Eslöv.”

Synch’s team consisted of Carl-Adam Drakenberg and Kerstin Lohi.

Synch is an law firm, focusing on digital business and technology. Synch is offering a flexible delivery model where Digital services complement the firm’s Advisory services, Projects & Transaction services as well as its Managed services. Synchs Projects & Transactions group are specialized in private and public M&A, Venture Capital investments and financing, especially in relation to technology.

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