Synch has acted as legal advisor to Ragnar Metals Limited

Synch has acted legal advisor to Ragnar Metals Limited, listed on the Official List of the ASX in Australia. With the launch of a prospectus and issuance of shares, the company is seeking to raise 5,500,000 AUD. Ragnar Metals Limited is an Australian mining company with subsidiaries in Sweden. Synch has assisted on legal aspects on the evaluation of Ragnar Metals Swedish tenements, subsidiaries, and Swedish mining law.

Synch is an International law firm, focusing on digital business and technology. Synch is offering a flexible delivery model where Digital services complement the firm’s Advisory services, Projects & Transaction services as well as its Managed services. Synchs Projects & Transactions group are specialized in private and public M&A, venture capital investments and financing as well as capital raising for both listed and unlisted companies, especially in relation to companies int the Digital Business sector.

From Synch participated Carl-Adam Drakenberg, Kerstin Lohi and Amanda Espinasse.

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