SynchHeart – a conversation about life at Synch

As a community, we thrive and grow together. Whether we are navigating legal battles in the ocean trenches for our clients or riding the wave of new friendships, life at Synch is and always will be a journey of innovation and teamwork. 

In this interview, Sarah and Marcus share their daily lives at Synch. 

What does sustainability mean to you? 

Sarah: Sustainability means using and allocating our world resources wisely to ensure that they last over time. When it comes to work, sustainability means a workplace that’s enjoyable,rewarding, and challenging, but also in balance and harmony with our personal lives. 

Marcus: Sustainability has become a buzzword but it means different things to everyone. For me, sustainability implies moderation in various aspects of life, both work-related and personal. It’s about dealing with stress and finding the right balance in your daily life. 

When I say SynchHeart, what comes to mind? 

Sarah: Primarily, I think of the initiatives we create because we want to do good. It's about those extra efforts. That is what SynchHeart means to me. 

Marcus: It's how we differentiate ourselves, take social responsibility, and live up to our values; Harmony, Curiosity, Transparency and Friendly. Those values shouldn’t just be written in a document we read once a year, but should instead be translated into actions that support our vision.

What do Synch's values mean to you?

Sarah: Our values are very important to me, I discuss them often in how I communicate Synch as an employer and our brand overall. They're also something our visitors notice when they visit our office. For instance, they might see a meeting room named "Curiosity" and ask why it's called that – it sparks conversations.

Marcus: Our values are evident in everything we do. The friendship amongst colleagues shows in the way we reach out and help each other. When it comes to curiosity,we are open-minded and invite each other to explore new legal strategies and perspectives. There is clear transparency from management and in our teams. We love to share and include everyone. This holistic approach creates a harmony that we value.  

What does a typical week at Synch look like?

Sarah: Monday meetings to kick off the week. That's where we get updates on work-related activities and reminders about all the fun things ahead such as workouts,massages, and chiropractic appointment opportunities. Later in the week there is usually a growth session for learning together. On Fridays we have fika, and every other week we have after works. And between all that my day-to-day work tasks as People & Culture Manager.

With two small children, I’m often the first one in and the first to leave, but Synch's flexible work arrangements allow me to manage my responsibilities effectively while also being present for my family. 

Marcus: I also have a young child, and my schedule varies. Sometimes, I come in early, leave early, or arrive later and stay longer. The flexibility to leave early if needed and finish later works well for me. It's all about freedom with responsibility. 

What are your thoughts on Workplace meetings? 

Sarah: We initiated workplace meetings to establish a forum that aligns with our value of transparency. We aim to create an inclusive space where everyone can contribute and have their voice heard. 

Marcus: I find them to be a valuable forum where different topics are presented and discussed—from identifying opportunities for improvement to recognizing what we're doing well. Workplace meetings are an excellent initiative.

What do you appreciate most about Synch,and how does Synch differentiate from other employers? 

Sarah: For one thing, I genuinely enjoy coming to work every single day, which hasn't always been the case elsewhere. The freedom within responsibility means people trust the work you do. This empowerment and trust, especially when you have young children, create a harmonious environment where I feel safe and happy. 

Marcus: I appreciate the atmosphere and the relationship with colleagues. There's always someone to discuss ideas with, and if you prefer to work alone, that is always respected too. The trust and competence among colleagues make it enjoyable to be here.

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