Epiluvac develops world-leading technology with a positive, green impact on the world

Epiluvac was ahead of its time when it was founded back in 2014. Developing a reactor for manufacturing semiconductors was something the group of engineers involved in the company all had experience with and therefore saw as having a lot of potential, contributing to a sensible energy supply. Developing world-leading technology is beneficial for a green impact on the world. In late 2019 the product was set and ready to launch, but the pandemic hit the world and put the project on pause. Since then Epilivac has reached a perfect market fit where sustainability is prioritized and the need for power electronics is growing rapidly. Roger Nilsson is one of the founders, titled as Epiluvacs Chief Technical Officer.

“Technology has gained momentum and had its commercial breakthrough in recent years, and interest in the company increased dramatically. The material we’re providing is extremely promising for multitudes of solar installations, cars and the power grid. Together with some of our founders, I saw the greatness and potential of Epiluvac early, and what kind of a journey we might see ahead of us.”

The American company “Vecco” acquires Epiluvac

The interest in Epiluvac was definitely increasing drastically, to say the least. When more than ten interested buyers had passed, Epiluvac was sold to Vecco in February 2023. An American company with similar products, technology and knowledge of the business.

Claes Wallnér stepped in as a shareholder in Epiluvac a few years ago. With multiple experiences in startups within the green sector, he’s working as an advisor of Epilivac, project managing the company through the selling process and legal advice. This is also where Synch became part of the team.

“When selling a company, it is essential to create an environment where everybody involved in the business process could work efficiently together and in good meetings. There are a lot of matters to be solved, I would say it’s fun but sweaty at times. The support from Synch made us faster and stronger, the help from them was fantastic. It was clear from the beginning that they had vast knowledge and experience with similar cases.”

Choosing Synch to assist in the sales process was an obvious choice

Roger and Claes were never afraid that there wouldn’t be any interest in Epiluvac. The company had a great start where the first customers came on board early. But past covid-19 awareness of Epiluvac came to the light for real, leading to a sudden selling process in high tempo. Synch had been in contact with Epiluvac before and the decision to engage them during the selling process was a obvious decision. Keeping business to normal workday hours was hard, but both Roger and Claes agree that everybody involved was ready to help seal the deal every minute needed. The formal process with the buyer took 55 days in total.

“Synch was incredibly flexible and available at all times, no matter if it was a Sunday evening. Our experience is that this project came out as good as it could have, and Synch contributed with solid and qualitative work. Our counter proposal and Share Purchase Agreement, (SPA) is massive work to get through and legally some very heavy documents. Selling a company is a process going for 4-5 months, it’s important that the agreement and contract are crystal clear to all parties involved.”

“Synch has been great keeping everything uncomplicated with great structure and organization”

Selling Epiluvac has been an intense but fortunate process, Roger and Claes deem all parties happy with the final agreement. What’s become valuable to them afterwards is the experience from Synch that they could both count on and lean on during the entire process. Roger mentioned that when doing business approximate to this one, it’s important to get help from someone with confidence from similar cases. He felt Synch was a great match filling that purpose.

“What I’ve appreciated the most about our work together with Synch is how they always kept calm and knew what they were doing, no matter how stressed we felt or how many different things from different angles we had to sort out. Synch has been great keeping everything uncomplicated with great structure and organization. Everyone we met has been fun and easy to work with. I’d definitely recommend them, and personally, I’d be more than happy to work with them again.

Company name: Epiluvac

Title: Roger Nilsson - Chief Technical Officer and Founder, ClaesWallner, Shareholder and Project Manager

Vision: “Creating a positive green impact,developing a world-leading technology”

Worked with Synch: 6 months

Purchased theseservices: Help with the legalselling process of the company

Why Synch? Their flexibility, organizational skillsand experience 

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